Tuesday, 28 May 2024 | 13:45 - 14:55

Discovering EDA's "green" activities (a Q&A session)

Location:Room 62 (6th floor)
Parallel sessions - Block 2
66 participants

Interviewer: Gabriella MANGANELLI


  • Alexandra LESAGE: "REACH in European Defence".

  • Carl-Johan LIND: "Enabling the defence industry’s access to finance – The role of IF CEED and other EDA led 'green' activities".

  • Ioannis CHATZIALEXANDRIS: ’The Energy and Environment CapTech: addressing the false dilemma of RES in defence".

  • Maja KUZEL: “CF SEDSS and Symbiosis projects: Synergies with IF CEED".

5 speakers

  • Alexandra LESAGE

    Project Officer REACH - Industry, Synergies and Enablers Directorate (ISE)

    European Defence Agency

  • Carl-Johan LIND

    Policy Officer Industry Engagement & EU Policies

    European Defence Agency


    Project Officer Energy and Environment

    European Defence Agency

  • Maja KUZEL

    Project Officer Energy Support

    European Defence Agency

  • Gabriella MANGANELLI

    Policy Officer in the unit A3 Green Knowledge & Research Hub, LIFE

    European Commission - DG Environment